
Worth knowing
Coffee came to Colombia at the end of the 18th century and the first plantations took place in the north of the country, in the states of "Santander" and "Boyaca".
Throughout the 19th century, coffee crops spread across the country, with a smaller average farm size than other Latin American producing countries.
Commercial production and export of coffee began in the first decade of the 19th century but remained somewhat limited until the 20th century: the creation of the FNC (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia) in 1927 was a huge boost for the national coffee industry, and Colombia quickly established itself as a major coffee-growing region, vying with Brazil and Vietnam for the title of world-leading producer.
Colombia is a country in northwestern South America and has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Behind coastal plains lie three mountain ranges of the Andes, separated by high valleys and plateaux. The most populous cities in Colombia are in the center of the country and on the north coast. To the southeast are the prairies and then the jungles of the Amazon. Colombia has a tropical climate, although temperatures vary with altitude.
The main agricultural products are coffee, sugar, bananas and flowers. As for minerals, the main production consists of coal, nickel, gold, silver, platinum and emeralds. The industry mainly involves the processing of minerals and agricultural products. Despite its wide range of agricultural products and exports, coffee is most closely associated with Colombian identity. But local consumption is surprisingly low for such a label.
The country has done a lot for the reputation of the coffee and is therefore important in the indication of origin. Colombian coffee is probably the first that springs to mind when it comes to quality coffee, perhaps because it was the Colombian coffee industry that created the idea of differentiation based on quality and origin: it was 1958. That Year Juan Valdez was “born”. Juan Valdez is a fictional character who has appeared in advertisements for the FNC, the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, since 1958, representing a Colombian coffee farmer.
One of the biggest challenges facing Colombian coffee production today is logistics. Riots can easily affect coffee transit in ports and roads.
Colombian coffee is one of the few coffees in the world that is supplied in bulk all year round. This is due to the privileged location below the equator line, which offers ideal weather conditions.
*Some Robusta experiments are being tested in some areas.
Historically, Europe and the United States have always been by far the largest export market for Colombian coffee. This is no longer the case today as the European industry has reduced its share of their blends mainly out of price considerations and after learning to substitute Colombian components in their blends.
Colombia is the world's largest producer of washed coffee and the third largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil and Vietnam. However, the labor shortage in the coffee industry is a problem in Colombia, especially during periods of low market prices when workers can easily be tempted to take jobs in other segments.
New generations of coffee farmers are less and less interested in maintaining the coffee activity. Young people tend to look for better opportunities in the cities.
Special features:
Juan Valdez the name "Juan Valdez" is by no means unique, since both Juan and Valdez are common Spanish-language names, and there may be thousands of men with that name living today (although the Valdez name is little known in the coffee-growing regions of Colombia); This became relevant in a 2006 lawsuit over the phrase "Juan Valdez drinks coffee from Costa Rica". In 2006, the FNC obtained an injunction preventing Costa Rican company Café Britt from selling t-shirts bearing the slogan. The FNC then filed a $1 million lawsuit on July 7, 2006 after Café Britt refused to sign a contract, stating that they respect FNC's intellectual property and neither the name nor the Image by use Juan Valdez. Cafe Britt filed a $200,000 counterclaim after it produced an affidavit from a Costa Rican man named Juan Valdes confirming that he drinks Juan Valdez Costa Rican coffee. Café Britt also argued that the expression was so common that it was not entitled to legal protection. It was all discontinued at some point.

Coffee planted area: 874,014 Ha
Number of farms: 660,478
Number of producers: 540,240
17% Agricultural GDP.
2.7 million people (33% of rural population) dependent on income from coffee growing.
726,000 direct and 1.4 million indirect jobs (32% of agricultural jobs).
96% coffee farmers have less than 5ha.
Peak flowering period: from January to March
Secondary: from July to September
Harvest time
Main harvest: from September to January
Intermediate harvest: from April to July
Shipping period From October to September (*)
(*) Coffee is exported all year round.
Cup profile
Coffee-growing regions and their most important cup properties
Cesa Bolivar
Nutty taste, high body and medium acidity
Guajira Magdalena
Bittersweet Chocolate, Low Acidity
Norte de Satander
chocolate notes
tobacco notes
Fruity scent, lemony and sweet notes chocolate
Medium body, high acidity
Caldas (PCC)
Risaralda (PCC)
Quindio (PCC)
Valle del Cauca (PCC)
Herbal and fruity notes, medium body and acidity
High acidity and sweet notes
Medium to low acidity, high body, citrus notes
Strong aroma, medium acidity and body
High acidity, sweet fruit and citrus notes
Citric notes, balanced body and acidity
Citric, sweet and floral notes
Vinous and sweet notes, medium to high acidity
High acidity, lemony and sweet notes
Spicy notes, low acidity and herbal aroma
Herbal notes, high body and medium acidity
The main varieties used are: Castillo, Colombia, Tabi, CENICAFE1 and Caturra.
By region
Traditionally, all coffees are sold as: Colombia Excelso or Colombia Supremo
For several years there has been a tendency to market coffee regionally more often. E.g.: Cauca, Santander, Huila, Tolima, Antioquia and Nariño
There are two crops in Colombia:
The main crop and the mid-crop (also called “mitaca”).
Main harvest from the end of August to March and the intermediate harvest in June / July. The timing of these harvests in different regions is not necessarily the same.
Classification / Defects:
The quality of the green coffee is clearly defined and can therefore be measured by the number of defects
There are two groups of defects:
- Group 1: called primary defect
- Group 2: called secondary defect
The maximum allowable number of defects in a 500g sample is 12/60 i.e.,
12 defects of the first group and 60 defects of the second group. A maximum of 24 errors are allowed in 500 gr.
Primary defects (defects related to influence on cup quality):
e.g., E.g.: black beans, moldy or sour beans
Secondary defects (defects related to the nature of the bean)
Discoloration due to age, over-drying, over-storage - moisture, broken beans, cracked, processing errors, insect damage, deformed, unripe.
Info and interesting: If a sample have few errors in group 1, these can be supplemented / compensated for by more errors in group 2, with a ratio of 1 to 10.
Example 1: We have 10 group 1 errors and 80 group 2 errors = 10 + (60 + (2 * 10)) with a total of 90: allowed.
Example 2: We have 9 group 1 errors and 90 group 2 errors = 8 + (60 + (3 * 10)) with a total of 98: allowed.
By bean size
Supremo 17/18 90% over Screen17
Supremo Screen18+ 95% over Screen 18
Excelso EP-5% 95% over Screen 15
Excelso EP-10% 90% over Screen 15
U.G.Q. "Usually Good Quality": 98.5% above Screen 14
Peaberry < 14 screen
Shipping port Imp. EU USA
Buenaventura 58% 18 7
Cartagena 21% 18 7
Santa Marta 18% 18 7
Barranquilla 2 % 18 7
Main export countries
1.United States
2. Germany
3. Japan
Picking by hand
wash (1) Fully washed coffee
Fermentation From 12 to 24 hours
Drying sun drying on the patios and mechanical drying
Sorting Electronic sorting
(1) Info/ News: FULLY WASHED
In a traditional "Benificio" 40 liters of water are used to wash 1 kg of green coffee. Currently, however, there are already new technologies with a new ecological structure. Here it is only 0.6 to 2 liters because water is reused. This new technique is ecologically very beneficial. But in some applications, not enough attention is paid to the quality of the treated water. This causes the coffee to lose quality. It could be the reason why Colombian coffees are bleaching so quickly these days.
We are more than just a simple buyer; we are interested in coffee growing as well as in the lifestyle.
We are a company that works with high quality coffee specialties and Colombian quality. Its climatic and territorial diversity allows us to find unique mug profiles that will allow us to satisfy almost any need of our allies.