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Ethiopia is the country of origin of coffee
Most sun-dried Ethiopian coffees come from the mountainous regions east of the capital Addis Ababa and are called Harrars - after the town located there. The majority of washed coffees come from the highlands south and west of Adis Ababa.

Special features



Interesting facts

The pride of Ethiopians over the successful resistance against European colonisation is palpable. Ethiopia stands for many other African countries as a symbol of resistance and independence. The country's culture has never been forcibly changed by colonial powers. Thus, Ethiopian culture is a reflection of thousands of years of development. In particular, many Christian customs and traditions are largely practised today as they were hundreds of years ago. Ethiopia's historical and cultural riches are incomparable. Today, the upheaval between tradition and modernity is clearly noticeable. While a large part of the population lives in the countryside and farms, many young people are drawn to the cities to study. Ethiopia is on the move.

Ethiopia's millennia-old cultural history developed primarily in the north of the country. Today, you can travel along the "Historical Route" and witness the country's fascinating past, for example by visiting the holy city of Axum, the rock churches of Lalibela from the 12th-13th centuries and the medieval fortresses of Gondar.

Tierra de Cafe in Kolumbien

Wir sind mehr als nur ein einfacher Käufer, wir interessieren uns für den Kaffeeanbau als Lebensstil

Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das mit hochwertigen Kaffeespezialitäten und kolumbianischer Qualität arbeitet. Seine klimatische und territoriale Vielfalt ermöglicht es uns, einzigartige Tassenprofile zu finden, mit denen wir fast alle Bedürfnisse unserer Verbündeten befriedigen können.


Unsere Kaffees

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